After three weeks

I saw 193 on the scales. That's down 14 from my start date. I had actually been bouncing up to as high as 210.5. That's scarey!!! I have about 20 more to go to get to my goal. It wouldn't hurt to go to 168 but I'll be happy at 170. That's how much I am in the goal weight picture.
I can tell my weight is down when I look at my face in a mirror. I can also tell that I can get around much better. Of course, part of the reason for that is that I am walking and doing things intermittently to strengthen my legs (for the sake of my knees).
One thing I realize is that I am going to need to not just "go on a diet" to lose weight but in order to keep it off I'm going to have to watch how I eat after the weight is gone. I lost thirty pounds on a "modified South Beach" diet back in 2004. My goal picture was taken then.
But my birthday came along and not everyone could get together at the same time to celebrate so I had several out-to-eats. My favorite meal is Mexican and I went hog wild. After that I just didn't even want to think about cutting carbs like I had to lose that weight. Soon I was back to eating whatever I wanted, however I wanted it, whenever I wanted it.
If I'm going to keep my weight down where I feel good, I am NEVER going to be able to do that again. I can have some splurges, but I can't just throw every day to the wind. Since I realize that, as I'm going along I'm trying to make note of what I enjoy eating that is not so fattening. If I'm not satisfied, I'll want to keep looking for food until I am.
I am happy with the lunch meat and cheese sandwiches I am eating for lunch. The radishes, carrots and celery make that really good. And if I remember to throw in lettuce, it tastes even better.
I really like the Activia yogurt and fruit for a snack. And I like the string cheese. Also eating a banana every day is good.
If I eat one egg and a piece of toast for breakfast, that's not bad either. Or two boiled eggs.
The main thing I miss is my milk. I love milk. I could have more milk if I'd learn to drink my coffee without creamer. Anyway, after I've lost my weight, I will be able to add my milk back.
I like cabbage salads. And I like vegetable dinners.
I also found out tonight that there are some good Healthy Choice (and other brands too) of soup that are 100 or less calories a cup. Two cups is 200 calories or less and that is very filling. Add celery and onion and eat it before they get too soft and you have some crunch in it that kind of makes it possible not want a cracker with every bite. But if crackers are a must the little cheese crackers (very little) that are 5 calories each can add some crunch.
Also I was reading in the latest Woman's World about a diet and one of the keys to it was to buy some low calorie entrees (160 calories or less) and add a good salad or some vegetables to it. I liked that idea. That way you're not trying to dig up something.