Leslie Sansone -- 1 Mile Walk

Leslie Sansone has created a Walk Social Website where you can register and keep track of the number of miles you walk and your weight loss. On this site, she has made available various videos to walk with (for free).

My Food Diary

Keeping track of what I eat daily and what I have done fitness-wise in order to lose weight.

Monday, June 04, 2012

Blog to Lose

I had a bookmark of a site that I went back and took a look at yesterday and thought it might actually give me some motivation to do WHAT I NEED TO DO.  

Blog to Lose is a "community" of folks who are each trying to lose weight and have signed up to blog regularly about their efforts.   Maybe if I do that I can at least REMEMBER what I'm doing in the midst of all the other things that I'm trying to just remember these days.