Leslie Sansone -- 1 Mile Walk

Leslie Sansone has created a Walk Social Website where you can register and keep track of the number of miles you walk and your weight loss. On this site, she has made available various videos to walk with (for free).

My Food Diary

Keeping track of what I eat daily and what I have done fitness-wise in order to lose weight.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

On vacation Sept 16-23

I started my vacation from work today. I'll be out of town all week and probably not have access to a computer. I won't be listing my calories here, although I have thought it would be a good idea to go see what a place like Book A Million might have that is SMALL, gives calorie counts, and a place to record daily calories.

I suppose I could make my own.

Now, why tell me if you can, was the first thought I got after I typed the above: "I can go eat what I want to and nobody will know." I'm serious. I actually had that thought go through my mind. JUST HOW RIDICULOUS IS THAT!!!!! But it gives me an insight into one thing. Keeping this record has helped me keep myself "in line".

That is something that it is good to be aware of. NOT counting calories could make me lax about what I eat. Hmmmm. I guess I'll just have to find a way to easily keep track of what I eat in a BROAD way for the rest of my life on MOST days.

I'm getting pretty good at estimating how many calories I'm getting in what I choose to eat. And I joke with myself about it that I'm warding off Alzheimer's because calculating and recalculating all these food values in my mind all day is really MENTAL exercise.

From Obese to Overweight

I notice on my ticker bar that the calculation for my BMI has gone from 32.4 to 29.0

I suppose that is something I should shout about. I can now say I'm "overweight." I'm NO longer "obese". At least that's what the folks who figure these things out say.

I will have to reset my goal weight to get to what they are willing to call a "healthy weight". The highest they will allow me to carry is a lot further down than I have any intention of trying to reach at this point. (I'd have to go down to 158 and I really don't have any desire to WORK to get there.)

I'm running out of steam at chasing down the caloric value of every bite that goes in my mouth. But I have a plan.

I have counted calories long enough now that I know I have a general idea of how much is in what I eat NORMALLY. I can make out some meal plans that keep my calories in a certain range MOST DAYS.

If I can eat as much as I did on Friday and THEN GO BACK TO REASONABLE EATING and not gain weight--which I didn't-- then I think I should be able to have a day a week that I just don't have to watch what I eat.... within limits. I mean, I don't need to eat 10,000 calories or anything like that.

When I make it to a point on the scales that I get on it three times and it says the same thing, I claim that position. I do that even though my weight goes back up a pound or two during the day, or even stays up after a splurge day. I figure I must have done something right or I could never have gotten DOWN to that point, so I claim it. And I find that as I keep on watching what I eat I keep going down.

I'm determined to not "burn out" on this diet. I have to keep this weight off. MY KNEES ARE SO MUCH HAPPIER NOW. Actually I feel better in every way. Not only that, I feel more like exercising. I'm not doing it as much as I hope to later. I'm hoping to switch the time I spend searching for caloric values to exercise time later on.