Leslie Sansone -- 1 Mile Walk

Leslie Sansone has created a Walk Social Website where you can register and keep track of the number of miles you walk and your weight loss. On this site, she has made available various videos to walk with (for free).

My Food Diary

Keeping track of what I eat daily and what I have done fitness-wise in order to lose weight.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

Sun (9-2) TOTAL CALORIES: 1783

Coffee, 2 cups
Breakfast: Fried egg and 1 piece cinnamon swirl toast with sugar free marmalade
Hard candy during church
Lunch: Barbeque pork, potato salad, baked beans, slaw, diet Pepsi, 2 pieces of cake-- chocolate and yellow (Groom's cake and Bride's cake) I forgot that I also drank one cup of punch. It was probably about 50-80 calories
More candy
After church: Soup concoction to take care of my hungry feelings without very many calories.
1 chicken broth (10)
1 package Lipton mushroom/onion soup mix (35)
1 stalk of celery, about 7" long (7)

I should have gone to bed then. I was developing a miserable head cold and I had two grandkids with me that wanted to snack. So I ended up eating some crackers and milk and a little peanut butter also. SO 1783 is NOT the REAL TOTAL.

Calorie-count log
Sun, Sep 02 2007
B Beans, Baked, Home Prepared 127 192
B- Potato Salad, Home-prepared 125 179
B- Cole Slaw - Sides (Individual) 65 95
B- Pork, Fresh, Loin, Whole - Separable Lean And Fat, Cooked, Roasted 85 211
B+ Sauce, Barbecue Sauce 19 14
B+ Rolls, Dinner, Plain, Commercially Prepared - (Includes Brown-and-serve) 28 84
C- Cake, Chocolate, Commercially - Prepared With Chocolate Frosting 64 235
C- Cake, Yellow, Commercially Prepared - With Vanilla Frosting 64 239
B- Egg, Whole - Cooked, Fried 46 93
toast with sugar free marmalade 90
coffee 40
coffee 40
coffee 40
mints 7 hard candy 100
soup 52
Punch 80
Total Calories Consumed 1,783