Coffee, 2 cups
Breakfast: Fried egg and 1 piece cinnamon swirl toast with sugar free marmalade
Hard candy during church
Lunch: Barbeque pork, potato salad, baked beans, slaw, diet Pepsi, 2 pieces of cake-- chocolate and yellow (Groom's cake and Bride's cake) I forgot that I also drank one cup of punch. It was probably about 50-80 calories
More candy
After church: Soup concoction to take care of my hungry feelings without very many calories.
1 chicken broth (10)
1 package Lipton mushroom/onion soup mix (35)
1 stalk of celery, about 7" long (7)
I should have gone to bed then. I was developing a miserable head cold and I had two grandkids with me that wanted to snack. So I ended up eating some crackers and milk and a little peanut butter also. SO 1783 is NOT the REAL TOTAL.
Calorie-count log
Sun, Sep 02 2007
B Beans, Baked, Home Prepared 127 192
B- Potato Salad, Home-prepared 125 179
B- Cole Slaw - Sides (Individual) 65 95
B- Pork, Fresh, Loin, Whole - Separable Lean And Fat, Cooked, Roasted 85 211
B+ Sauce, Barbecue Sauce 19 14
B+ Rolls, Dinner, Plain, Commercially Prepared - (Includes Brown-and-serve) 28 84
C- Cake, Chocolate, Commercially - Prepared With Chocolate Frosting 64 235
C- Cake, Yellow, Commercially Prepared - With Vanilla Frosting 64 239
B- Egg, Whole - Cooked, Fried 46 93
toast with sugar free marmalade 90
coffee 40
coffee 40
coffee 40
mints 7 hard candy 100
soup 52
Punch 80
Total Calories Consumed 1,783