Leslie Sansone -- 1 Mile Walk

Leslie Sansone has created a Walk Social Website where you can register and keep track of the number of miles you walk and your weight loss. On this site, she has made available various videos to walk with (for free).

My Food Diary

Keeping track of what I eat daily and what I have done fitness-wise in order to lose weight.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Tue (7-31) TOTAL CALORIES: 1607

At one point today I actually saw the number on the scale that said I was TEN pounds less than when I started two weeks ago. It was a fleeting moment, but it actually showed up. Repeated attempts to get it to show ended in failure. It was more like 9 1/2. Still, I am not disappointed.

I decided to eat more today. Not much more, but more. I wanted to keep my calories way down until I passed this two week mark so I could start off with a bang.

Now I hope to just lose a pound or two a week for the next eight weeks. Two a week and I would be down 16 more pounds. That would be about 25 altogether. Of course, one a week wouldn't get me to 25 but it would still be good.

Coffee, 2 cups

Breakfast: Post ...with Almonds and a banana (300)

Lunch: New York Strip Steak (about 6 oz) and half a baked potato with chopped onion on it.
I had a HARD time finding the calories for this steak. But it looks like steak can be pretty high in calories. This says 90 calories per ounce. 6 times 90 sounds like 540 to me!! That's a bunch.

I ate the other half of the potato later with a little margarine on it.

Since then I've been chewing celery sticks.

Oh, I forgot I ate about 10 or so mixed nuts this afternoon.

Calorie Count Log
Tue, Jul 31 2007
New York Strip steak, 6 oz (90 calories per ounce)..... 540
Potatoes, White, Flesh And Skin, Baked.....281
coffee..... 80
12 Mixed Nuts, Oil Roasted With Salt Added..... 86
Fleishmans olive oil margarine 1 TBsp...... 70
New York Strip, 2 0z.... 180
cereal with banana .....300
Celery - Raw ........9
nectarine...... 60
Total Calories Consumed .....1,607