Breakfast: Banana
Snack: Oat bars
Drink: Lipton Green Tea, regular
Lunch: Sandwich and veggies
Snack: Nectarine
Later snack: Apple, yogurt, and string cheese
Supper: Soup and crackers
Before church: two stalks of celery, mixed nuts
During Church: Soft peppermints
After Church: 94% fat free popcorn and milk
"When you get close to the edge, it's easy to accidentally go over." We've been hearing that a lot a church. I found out it's true on calorie counting too. I thought I'd counted everything, so when I got home last night I ate only what would keep me from going over. Then Thursday morning I got up and was walking past the counter to go make my coffee and noticed my big can of mixed nuts was down. I had forgotten to count them . I thought I had ended the day at 1596 but after I added in the mixed nuts I had FORGOTTEN ABOUT, I went over the edge.
Oh, well. It's Wednesday. I was going to let myself go over on Wednesday's because it's such a tough day. And, today, in addition to it being freight day, it was the week the crew I'm on does church cleaning--which we do AFTER church on Wednesday nights. If I'd had my way, it would have been a Wednesday when I was going into work late on Thursday, but that's not my choice. To make it worse, Josh decided he wasn't needed to help out this time.
Calorie count log:
Wed, Aug 08 2007
coffee 40
Bananas 105
Oats&Honey Breakfast bars 180
Lipton Green Tea 80
Nectarine 60
sandwich with veggies 310
Apples - Fresh Fruit 80
1 string cheese 60
Activia Yogurt 110
Soup and crackers 300
Celery - Raw 11
popcorn 60
milk 120
peppermints 80
Mixed Nuts, Oil Roasted - With Peanuts, With Salt Added .5oz 86
Total Calories Consumed 1,683