That was yesterday and I'll do good to remember half of what I ate
Breakfast: Egg and toast
Snack: Banana
Lunch: Sandwich wrap made with lunch meat, lettuce, cheese stick, mayo. (and I realized when I was eating the wrap that I was NOT enjoying it as much so I need to switch to bread for awhile I guess. I don't want "burnout" to start and end up causing me to dread what I've got facing me at lunch time.) A diet Mtn Dew
Snack: Popcorn (100) and milk
Later: A few multi-grain chips and spinach dip, A dinner roll with a slice of cheese and a thin slice of ham
Later Still: a Sonic burger and water
Later Still: Josh's "leftovers" from an out-to-eat venture. (My first taste of lamb. I'm not sure what the other stuff was)