Leslie Sansone -- 1 Mile Walk

Leslie Sansone has created a Walk Social Website where you can register and keep track of the number of miles you walk and your weight loss. On this site, she has made available various videos to walk with (for free).

My Food Diary

Keeping track of what I eat daily and what I have done fitness-wise in order to lose weight.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Week Four--Day Four

That was yesterday and I'll do good to remember half of what I ate

Breakfast: Egg and toast
Snack: Banana
Lunch: Sandwich wrap made with lunch meat, lettuce, cheese stick, mayo. (and I realized when I was eating the wrap that I was NOT enjoying it as much so I need to switch to bread for awhile I guess. I don't want "burnout" to start and end up causing me to dread what I've got facing me at lunch time.) A diet Mtn Dew

Snack: Popcorn (100) and milk

Later: A few multi-grain chips and spinach dip, A dinner roll with a slice of cheese and a thin slice of ham

Later Still: a Sonic burger and water

Later Still: Josh's "leftovers" from an out-to-eat venture. (My first taste of lamb. I'm not sure what the other stuff was)