Leslie Sansone -- 1 Mile Walk

Leslie Sansone has created a Walk Social Website where you can register and keep track of the number of miles you walk and your weight loss. On this site, she has made available various videos to walk with (for free).

My Food Diary

Keeping track of what I eat daily and what I have done fitness-wise in order to lose weight.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

A Week without Counting

is a week of GAINING....

We're not talking about a little lapse here.

We are talking about a week of eating everything put before me. I ate what was fixed and had desserts with it. I did choose to drink water with most meals until the last couple days.

Of course, I gained. I'm going to wait until in the morning and tell you how much then.

starting tomorrow, I'll be back to my old vigilance. I will get the gain off and I will lose what is left to lose until I get down to 170.

VACATION IS OVER... and I won't get another one until .... for MANY months.

Even Thanksgiving and Christmas will not be shoving as much food at me as going to campmeeting did.