Leslie Sansone -- 1 Mile Walk

Leslie Sansone has created a Walk Social Website where you can register and keep track of the number of miles you walk and your weight loss. On this site, she has made available various videos to walk with (for free).

My Food Diary

Keeping track of what I eat daily and what I have done fitness-wise in order to lose weight.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


This is Tuesday. My day off. Today I'm going to try out my idea of cutting back to 1600 calories in order to lose weight.

I want to keep a journal of what I'm eating so I can have something to look at for ideas when I am desperately looking for something to eat that will not blow my diet.

I always start my day with coffee. I add "equal" and non-dairy creamer

1 mug of coffee with equal and 4 t. of n-d creamer

Another mug of coffee with creamer

Ground beef patty with Mushroom and Onions
Asparagus with Fleishman's margarine
One cup of extra rich buttermilk

Baby Carrots


Ground Beef Patty with Mushrooms and onions

Before bed:
Bowl of Post Honey Bunches of Oats with Almonds
with one banana and milk.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Ground Beef Patty - Pan-broiled...... 211
Asparagus - Cooked, Boiled, Drained....... 30
Mushrooms - Cooked, Boiled, Drained....... 22
Onions - Cooked, Boiled, Drained....... 46
Non-dairy Creamer, Cremora....... 70
1 cup buttermilk (rich)..... 150
1 Apple .......80
Fleischmann's Original...... 70
14 baby carrots...... 40
Ground Beef Patty - Pan-broiled ......211
Asparagus - Cooked, Boiled, Drained....... 30
Mushrooms - Cooked, Boiled, Drained....... 22
1 Banana .....105
1 cup 2% Milk..... 122
Cereal Honey Bunches Of Oats w/ Almonds ......167
Total Calories Consumed ..1,375

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