Leslie Sansone -- 1 Mile Walk

Leslie Sansone has created a Walk Social Website where you can register and keep track of the number of miles you walk and your weight loss. On this site, she has made available various videos to walk with (for free).

My Food Diary

Keeping track of what I eat daily and what I have done fitness-wise in order to lose weight.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Sat (8-25) LOW Carb Day Number Two

More Information on Carb Cycling -- excerpts from the site (by Roman Malkov)
"By alternating between low carb and higher carb days, my clients have been able to get the lean, strong bodies they have always wanted. They also enjoy the luxury of eating the foods they love, as long as they eat them at the right time. It takes a little discipline at first, but it is far easier and healthier than low-carb, restriction diets.

How can you try it at home? During normal carb days, I recommend eating between 350 to 400 grams of carbohydrates. That’s about what you probably are already eating. Keep in mind that you should focus on eating unrefined carbs from whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. These carbs are packed with healthy compounds that help ward off disease and keep your body young. Limited refined carbs from sugar and processed white flour. This includes white bread, crackers, and all processed junk food. Remember, all carbs are not created equally!

On limited carb days, do not eat any foods containing sugar or white flour. Try to keep your carbs under 300 grams a day. You should never starve yourself or feel hungry, even on limited carb days. Sound tricky? It’s not! Counting carbs is pretty easy once you get the hang of it. I suggest picking up a carb counting book, like the ones used by diabetics.

The small extra effort it takes to carb cycle can bring a huge payoff. If you combine carb cycling with exercise, you will protect yourself from countless age-related illnesses, such as osteoarthritis, cardiovascular disease, and even form of cancer. You’ll also look and feel great."


I thought I had really blown it when I got on the scales before bed last night. I was UP to 195.5.


However, I went on to bed. What surprised me next was how many times I had to get up in the night. By morning I had got rid of every bit of the extra fluid I had picked up. I was back at 192. Before morning was done, but also before I ate breakfast, I was down to 190.5 That was five pounds gone in just over 12 hours! So, at least there was no harm done. And when I weighed in at 190.5, I actually thought it might have HELPED.

And I got to eat more meat and drink more milk.

Today I'm going to go up to Food-4-Less and buy me a rib-eye. I don't eat them much but every now and then I want one and the Food-4-Less way is the cheapest.

Later: I ended up eating another broiled chicken breast and some slaw for "breakfast". I needed to go take care of some errands (get gas, pick up a magazine they were holding for me at Friends of the Library) so I figured I'd just get my steak while I was out instead of having it for breakfast.

I lucked out because when I came back by F-4-L, they had a "family package" of rib-eyes (five) for less than $10. (They come through and mark meat down mid-morning.) I also chanced upon another of their "get rid of the Arnold's bread" carts. I had hoped this week I'd be able to get some as my bread supply was getting lower than I liked for it to. You can't beat getting that kind of bread for 75¢.

Today's food
Coffee, 2 cups
Breakfast: Grilled Chicken breast and slaw
Lunch: Rib-eye steak MILK
Later: 1/4 cantalope
More cantalope
A few mixed nuts
Later: a salad and more mixed nuts

I guess I'm getting carried away on the milk. I noticed the carbs in it are higher than I realized. And yesterday I looked up the carbs on that yogurt and found that they were 19 for one serving.

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