Holidays over.
Fellowship meeting behind me.
Inventory done.
But this year other factors contributed to the demise of my good intentions.
I've been watching a number of folks I go to church with get slimmer and slimmer. They are not all using the same method.
One chose the Idiot-Proof diet. Others are counting points. Others are just watching their portions. But a number of them are LOSING. And here I am still trying to decide what to do to start.
Last night I came up with an idea that I thought might work for me.
I lost the weight I did last year counting calories. I like that method but it really did take a lot of time to count up everything I had eaten every day and right now I just don't want to take that much time to count calories every day.
I have been trying to think of something that will work with my changing schedule. And I came up with this plan:
Get a three ring binder. (I bought a small one and the paper for it.)
Divide it into sections of Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and Snacks.
Then divide each section into calorie levels, say of 200, 300, 400, 500 calories.
If I choose a 400 calorie breakfast, then I'll have to choose a lower calorie lunch. Or if I have a low calorie breakfast and lunch, I can choose a higher calorie supper. But I will have handy right there in my notebook the right calorie size choices that I need so that I won't have to be doing a whole lot of counting EVERY day. Meals with precounted calories. And I will have CHOICES to look at so that I'm not trying to figure out what I can eat as I go.
And, I will have a list of snacks to choose from that fall into the 100-200 calorie range and I won't be trying to figure out what I can eat that will be the right amount of calories.

All I'll have to do is go to my "handy-dandy notebook" and find something of the right number.
I can write my recipes for anything that is good down and put it right there in my notebook.
So, at least I've taken the first step.
I bought the notebook and paper.